BOTOX and Juvederm

Dental Crowns

The patient came for extraction of two non-restorable molars and wanted immediate replacement of his teeth.
Two dental implants were placed at the time of extractions.
Restorative dental work performed by his general dentist.
Dental Implants

Patient who has lost his two upper left front teeth.
He did not want to wear any removable prosthesis.
Two dental implants were placed.
We worked in coordination with his general dentist to achieve optimal results who designed and cemented his Zirconia crowns.

Patient with a missing molar and fractured pre-molar.
She wanted to minimize surgical time and expedite healing.
The entire procedure: Extraction and placement of two dental implants to replace the missing teeth done in the same appointment under comfortable sedation in the office.
She is in the healing phase and soon the implants will be loaded with the permanent crowns.

The patient missing a lower right tooth decided to replace her missing tooth with a dental implant.
The x-ray shows adequate inclination and angulation of the implant, preserving the integrity of the mandibular nerve. Adequate separation between the nerve and the implant is visible on the x-ray.

The patient underwent the extraction of a lower right molar due to a tooth fracture. An immediate implant was successfully placed, and we look forward to completing the restoration of this tooth soon

Before and after 3D scans of a patient requiring a dental implant demonstrate proper angulation.
Dental implants are the most effective solution for restoring missing teeth, eliminating the need to damage adjacent teeth for a bridge—a process that is often unnecessary.

- The patient comes in with no teeth on the upper left side.
- The patient gets a dental implant placed to somewhat regain their chewing ability.
- In the future, the patient is planning to place two more dental implants in order to restore their upper left quadrant to full chewing capacity.

- Patient unhappy with her crown recurrently coming off her first upper left molar.
- A screw retained restoration was fabricated and the crown was directly retained to the previously placed dental implant.

Extraction of decayed, non-restorable tooth with immediate implant replacement.
Restoration of the implant showing adequate cosmetics.