Instructions After Surgery
It’s very important to follow all instructions given to you after your surgery, doing so will result in a fast and comfortable recovery.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us a message or call us at (858) 434-7554, we’d be glad to help you
and explain anything you want to know more about.
Post – Operative Instructions
1. Medications
Upon leaving your appointment, immediately go to the pharmacy to fill your prescription written by the oral surgeon. Medications should be taken as soon as possible. Make sure to take your medication with food, as it may make you nauseated if taken on an empty stomach. We recommend getting a milkshake, as it is thicker and easier for the patient to swallow while they are numb. Pharmacist will review instructions on how to properly take the meds. TAKE MEDICATION AS DIRECTED.
2. Gauze
The purpose of using the gauze is to slow down the bleeding process. Bleeding is NORMAL. It is the body’s way of cleansing the area after surgery. Bleeding can occur up to several days after surgery, but use of gauze only needs to be on the day of surgery. Use the gauze provided by changing it out every 30 minutes, until the bleeding is minimal or has stopped. If you run out of gauze, you may use tea bags. If you are going to eat/drink/sleep please remove the gauze:
- Fold gauze into a small square and place over the extraction site. Bite down, keeping pressure on it for 30 minutes, and then remove.
- Remove gauze gently, and if needed wet it. Do not try to remove gauze that is dried and sticking to the tissue.
Immediately upon leaving clinic, apply ice to the outside of the cheek area where surgery was done. It is important to keep ice on the area for the first 24 hrs. To help keep swelling to a minimum apply ice to the cheek every 20 minutes (on & off). Do this up until bedtime.
While sleeping prop yourself up with pillows/blankets so that you are not laying flat. Head needs to be elevated to prevent area from over-swelling.
Swelling is a NORMAL process of healing and is typically greatest 48-72 hours after surgery. Swelling will then recede slowly over the next week to 1 ½ weeks. Do not use ice for more than 24 hours as it can actually delay healing after the 24 hours. Dr. prescribes Ibuprofen which helps reduce swelling. Take as directed.
4. Pain
Soreness, discomfort and pain are to be expected after surgery. Dr. prescribes pain medication in accordance with what type of surgery you had. Take the medications as directed. Get lots of rest and do not perform any physical activity for at least 48 hours.
Any special medication such as ANTIBIOTICS we have prescribed on the specified dosing schedule. Yogurt with active cultures or acidophilus should be taken while on antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. It is important to take the antibiotics to completion.
5. Mouth Rinse
The day after your surgery you should begin rinsing the area with either the prescribed antibiotic mouth rinse or with warm salt water. Rinsing needs to be done after every meal for a full week. The purpose of the rinsing is to keep the extraction sites clean and free from food and bacteria. Lack of cleaning the area WILL result in an infection. It is extremely important that you rinse for the full week after surgery. Brushing is fine; just avoid the tissue area where the surgery was done.
6. Stitches
Dr. will place stitches the day of surgery. The stitches are dissolvable, unless otherwise stated by the surgeon. With dissolvable stitches, you do not need to come back for a follow up appointment to have them removed. The stitches will dissolve in about one week. Do not attempt to remove them yourself if they last more than one week. Eventually they will dissolve. The Dr. or the oral surgery team will let you know if you need to come back to have stitches removed for certain cases. Sometimes stitches will fall out before one week so this should not be a concern.
7. Inability to open jaw
This condition is common and should be expected following the removal of impacted teeth or difficult surgeries. This may last for several days. Warm packs (after 24 hours) may help. Call the office if the condition persists.
8. Numbness after one week
If you experience numbness of your lip, cheek or tongue beyond one week, it is possible that the dental nerve that supplies feeling to these structures may have been irritated or bruised. This is almost always a temporary condition. It is not disfiguring however it can be annoying. It may last a few days to several months. Be careful when chewing to prevent injuries to your lip, cheek or tongue. If after one week you are still experiencing this numbness, call our office and we will get you in for an evaluation.
9. Nausea & Vomiting
Swallowing of blood and pain medications are typically the most common causes of nausea/vomiting. The following may help:
- Gently rinse your mouth of any blood. Do not spit. Let the water drip out of your mouth. Spitting can dislodge the protective clot and cause MORE bleeding.
- Control the bleeding as much as possible by following the instructions above under bleeding.
- Oral medications may also be the cause of the nausea/vomiting. Most medications should not be taken on an empty stomach, so make sure to have something in your stomach before taking these medications.
- Try small sips of 7-UP or ginger ale to calm your upset stomach.
- Try small sips of 7-UP or ginger ale to calm your upset stomach.
- If vomiting continues after you have followed these steps and you have taken the medication several times, you may be having an allergic reaction to one of the medications. Most likely it is the pain med. Discontinue use and call the office. Dr. can prescribe you a different medication.
Smoking not only disrupts the clotting process but introduces toxins and bacteria into the surgery sites. If the clot is removed and bacteria enter the bone you will get an infection to which the doctor will NOT be able to get you numb. This can be extremely painful! Now is a good time to consider quitting smoking. If not, consider trying a patch for the week.
11. Bruising is NORMAL after surgery
Expect to see bruising on the cheeks, eye area and even along the jaw line and down the neck. Bruising should start to subside after about one week.
If you were informed that a sinus communication occurred during surgery
as a result of the close relationship between the roots of your upper teeth and your sinuses, or if you have had some surgery that involved work near your sinuses or in your sinuses, please follow these instructions:
- DO NOT blow your nose.
- DO NOT sneeze through your nose. If the urge to sneeze arises, sneeze with your mouth open.
- AVOID swimming and strenuous exercise for at least one week.
- It is not uncommon to have a slight amount of bleeding from the nose for several days.
- Please remember that occasionally a second procedure may be required if there is a persistent sinus communication.
Recommended Foods to Eat After Oral Surgery, Implants or Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Patients who are well prepared for their surgery usually end up having a smoother recovery. We advise our patients to plan ahead and buy some soft foods items prior to their procedure, or have a caretaker help provide these items post-surgery. After having teeth removed, it can be difficult to find foods that are both filling and fulfilling while still being soft and easy to eat.
Pearlmax Oral Surgery has compiled this list of soft foods we suggest after having dental surgery, implant placement or wisdom teeth extractions.
1. Applesauce
The smooth, pureed texture of applesauce makes it a great soft food to have after wisdom teeth removal. Eating this nutrient rich snack uses very little jaw movement, which will aid in healing and prevent soreness.
2. Ice Cream
After surgery it’s ok to spoil yourself a bit! Eating ice cream is a nice treat. Be sure to stick to soft-serve as it requires less effort to eat. This cool confection soothes the inflamed tissue and promotes a quicker healing process.
3. Soup/Broths
Soups and broths are a great source of relief for wisdom teeth removal patients. Enjoy it warm (not hot!) to get plenty of nutrients and maintain a healthy diet after your extraction. Some soups can even keep you hydrated which is very important after surgery. Bone broth is also an excellent source of nourishment and can help reduce swelling with its anti-inflammatory properties.
4. Mashed Potatoes
Containing lots of fiber, mashed potatoes are great to eat after surgery. Creamy mashed potatoes are best and can be topped with extras like gravy, butter, and sour cream to allow for more variety in your post-operative diet.
5. Jell-O or Pudding
This easy to eat food comes in a variety of flavors, preventing “taste bud boredom” that frequently occurs with a restrictive post-operative diet. Use the instant packets or quick recipes on the box for faster and easier preparation.
6. Yogurt
The smooth, light consistency of yogurt makes it an ideal food for patients recovering from wisdom tooth surgery. Avoid yogurts with granola or any added ingredients that have to be chewed. Eating a creamy, light yogurt flavor like lemon or strawberry gives you some of the nutrients you need while also making it easier to take medications prescribed for pain or discomfort.
7. Smoothies or Milkshakes
Smoothies and milkshakes provide a delicious and easy to eat snack for post-operative dental patients. It’s best to use fruits and/or vegetables without seeds as small seeds found in fruits like raspberries can get impacted in the surgical areas, causing discomfort. One word of caution when it comes to enjoying smoothies and milkshakes after an extraction: Don’t consume them through a straw! The pressure can disrupt the healing site and lead to dry sockets.
8. Soft Fruits
Soft and preferably mashed fruits are a safe and flavorful option post-operation. Fruits like bananas and mangoes are especially beneficial to the healing process. Bananas are a natural source of potassium and they also help replace electrolytes, charges needed to power the body and maintain hydration. Mangoes contain enzymes such as magneferin, katechol oxidase and lactase that help the body maintain resistance to bacteria.
Instrucciones Para Despues De La Cirugia Oral
1. LAS MEDICINAS: Después de la cirugía, las medicinas deben ser tomadas lo más pronto posible, con algo de comer (ejemplo:
Jugo, batido o malteada). Esto previene las náuseas. Siga tomando todas las medicinas como lo indique el farmaceuta. Los
antibióticos deben ser tomados hasta terminarlos. El yogurt con cultivos o acidophilus activos previene la diarrea que puedan
causar los antibióticos.
2. LA GASA: Muerda la gasa por las primeras dos horas después de la cirugía. Cámbiela cada 30 minutos. No coma ni beba, ni
duerma con la gasa.
3. SANGRADO: Algo de sangrado es normal hasta 7-10 días después de la cirugía. Sin embargo, si el sangrado llega a ser más
abundante, le aconsejamos morder una bolsita de té durante 30-45 minutos en el área del sangrado. Cubitos de hielo en la boca
ayudan a parar el sangrado. Si el sangrado continúa, favor llamar a nuestra oficina.
4. HINCHAZON O MORETONES: Aplique hielo por las primeras 24 horas después de la cirugía, en el lado de la cara del área
operada, aplicándolo 20 minutos, descansando 20 minutos. Los primeros dos días eleve la cabeza con varias almohadas al
acostarse. El segundo y tercer día después de la cirugía, por lo general, serán los días que experimentara más hinchazón. Algún
moretón o color amarillento son normales en la cara o la mandíbula.
5. DOLOR: Un poco de dolor y molestia son normales después de la cirugía. Tómese los medicamentos para el dolor como esté
prescrito en el frasco de la farmacia. Descanse mucho y no realice ninguna actividad física o extenuante por una semana.
6. ENJUAGUE BUCAL: El día después de la cirugía empiece a lavarse la boca con el enjuague antibiótico prescrito. También puede
lavarse la boca con agua tibia y mezclada con una cucharada pequeña de sal. Utilice la jeringa proporcionada. Lávese la boca
diariamente con el enjuague, durante 10 días después de la cirugía para prevenir infecciones. Se puede cepillar los dientes,
evitando el sitio operado.
7. SUTURAS O PUNTADAS: Las suturas se disolverán de 10-14 días. Si una sutura se afloja, visítenos para removerla.
8. DIFICULTAD PARA ABRIR LA BOCA: Es frecuente después de la cirugía oral. Para volver a la normalidad, practique abriendo
suavemente y cerrando la boca a menudo a través del día.
9. ENTUMECIMIENTO POSTERIOR A LA CIRUGIA: Si su entumecimiento persiste 24 horas después de su cirugía, por favor pida una
cita con nosotros para una revisión.
10. NAUSEAS Y VOMITO: Para prevenir las náuseas, debe comer algo antes de tomar sus medicinas. Si las náuseas persisten,
llámenos y con gusto le prescribiremos por teléfono, una medicina anti náuseas.
11. NO FUME POR UNA SEMANA: Para evitar infecciones, dolor y mala cicatrización.
12. SI SU OPERACION FUE EN EL ARCO SUPERIOR (MAXILAR): Algo de sangrado por la nariz es normal. Siga estas instrucciones:
A. No se suene la nariz. Puede limpiarse suavemente con un pañuelo o toalla.
B. Estornude con la boca abierta.
C. No fume.
D. Si sangra por la nariz por más de dos días, llámenos para hacer una cita.
A. La hinchazón regresa o aumenta progresivamente después del tercer día de la cirugía.
B. Fiebre repentina.
C. Mal sabor en la boca, ocasionado por fluido.
14. QUE COMER DESPUES DE LA CIRUGIA: La nutrición apropiada promoverá la curación después de su cirugía. Siga por favor estas
A. No mastique alimentos duros ni crujientes. Coma alimentos blandos y suaves durante 4-5 días después de la cirugía, tales
como: sopa, pastas, huevos revueltos, harina de avena, gelatina, pudín, puré de papas, batidos/jugos/malteadas, helado,
yogurt, salsa de manzanas, o cualquier tipo de comida suave.
B. Beba muchos líquidos.
C. Evite alimentos calientes o picantes.
Alimentos Recomendados para Comer Después de Una Cirugía Oral, Implantes o Extracciones de Dientes
Los pacientes que están bien preparados para su cirugía generalmente terminan teniendo una recuperación méjor y más rápida. Aconsejamos a nuestros pacientes que planifiquen con anticipación y que compren algunos alimentos blandos antes de su procedimiento, o que alguien los ayude a proporcionar estos artículos después de la cirugía. Después de la cirugía oral, puede ser difícil encontrar alimentos suaves y fáciles de comer.
Pearlmax Oral Surgery ha compilado esta lista de alimentos blandos que sugerimos después de someterse a una cirugía dental, colocación de implantes o extracción de las cordales.
1. Puré de Manzana
La textura suave de puré de manzana lo convierte en un excelente alimento blando después de la cirugía. Comer este refrigerio rico en nutrientes utiliza muy poco movimiento de la mandíbula, lo que ayudará a la curación y evitar el dolor.
2. Helado
¡Después de la cirugía, puedes consentirte un poco! Comer helado es una delicia y no requiere ningún esfuerzo para comer. Este dulce refrigerio no es traumático para el tejido inflamado por lo que ayuda a sanarlo.
3. Sopa/Caldos
Las sopas y caldos son una gran fuente de alivio para los pacientes después del procedimiento de cirugía. Disfrútela tibia (¡no caliente!) Para obtener muchos nutrientes y mantener una dieta saludable después su procedimiento. Algunas sopas incluso pueden mantenerte hidratado, lo cual es muy importante después de la cirugía.
4. Puré
Contiene mucha fibra, el puré de patatas es ideal para comer después de la cirugía. El puré de papas cremoso es el mejor y se puede acompañar con extras como salsa, mantequilla y crema agria para permitir una mayor variedad en su dieta postoperatoria.
5. Gelatina o Pudding
Este alimento fácil de comer viene en una variedad de sabores, previniendo el “aburrimiento de las papilas gustativas” que frecuentemente ocurre con una dieta restrictiva postoperatoria. Use los paquetes instantáneos o recetas rápidas en la caja para una preparación más rápida y fácil.
6. Yogur
La consistencia suave y liviana del yogur lo convierte en un alimento ideal para los pacientes que se recuperan de la cirugía. Evite los yogures con granola o cualquier ingrediente adicional que tenga que masticar. Comer un cremoso y ligero sabor a yogur como el limón o la fresa le proporciona algunos de los nutrientes que necesita al mismo tiempo que le facilita tomar medicamentos recetados para el dolor o la incomodidad.
7. Batidos
Los batidos proporcionan un refrigerio delicioso y fácil de comer para los pacientes dentales post-operatorios. Lo mejor es usar frutas y/o vegetales sin semillas ya que las semillas pequeñas que se encuentran en las frutas como las frambuesas pueden afectar el área quirúrgica, causando molestias.
8. Frutas Suaves
Las frutas blandas y preferiblemente trituradas son una opción segura y sabrosa después de la operación. Frutas como bananos y mangos son especialmente beneficiosas para el proceso de curación. Los bananos son una fuente natural de potasio y también ayudan a reemplazar los electrolitos,
Otras Alternativas:
Comida blanda y suave, y suplementos como ensure, boost, o slim fast.
No Olvide el Enjuague y Cepillarse:
El enjuague bucal con la jeringa va a ayudarle a que las partículas de comida no se queden el sitio de la cirugía, causando infección. También puede enjuagarse con agua con sal ó enjuague bucal convencional.